Jesus commissioned His church:  “Make disciples of all peoples, baptizing them…and teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:18-19) 

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church exists to lead people into a life-changing, ever-growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ by LOVING GOD, SHARING CHRIST, and SERVING OTHERS.

Our Mission STRATEGY:           WORSHIP    >    GROW    >    SERVE


The strategy of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church focuses on reaching people for Christ and developing devoted, loving followers of Jesus. God uses worship services, small groups, and ministry involvement to move people from salvation to spiritual maturity and ministry.  We want newcomers and members to worship God, to connect with others, and to become involved in Christian service. 

At Pleasant Hill Baptist Church we build devoted, loving Christ followers in three strategic ways:



Worship  enables us to connect with our Creator who alone can save and transform us.  Through worship we express our praise and love for God.



Sunday School classes, Bible studies, and other small groups allow us to connect with other Christians and deepen our relationship with God.  These groups provide opportunities for newcomers and members to build loving, life-changing relationships.  Small groups help us grow spiritually through prayer, Bible study, and Christian fellowship. 



Ministry teams, mission projects, and other avenues of Christian service open doors to Jesus Christ.  Serving God and others, inside and outside the church, helps individuals discover, develop, and utilize their God-given gifts for ministry.  God gives every Christian a ministry, a part of His work to do in the church and in the world.


Our Mission MEASURES:
The Bible instructs us to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).  Spiritual maturity is a continuum of learning and growing in the likeness of Jesus Christ, beginning when a person chooses to trust and follow Jesus as the way of and to God–and continuing in a growing personal relationship with Christ.  God is more interested in the kind of people we become than in what we do.  The following MEASURES are the qualities of Christlikeness and spiritual maturity that we are seeking to develop within our congregation. 

A mature Christian: 

  • Communicates with God daily
  • Lives by God’s Word and His will
  • Loves and cares for others unconditionally
  • Speaks the truth in love
  • Gives sacrificially for God’s work
  • Serves God both inside and outside the church
  • Points others to God